diumenge, 20 de juliol del 2008

Farnborough Air Show 08

One more edition of the Farnborough Air Show, the great gathering of the aerospace industry, that takes place every other year in this airfield of Hampshire, near London. This time was spectacular as always. Here is a close view of the Airbus 380, an amazingly quiet and agile plane, considering its size, as the public could realize during its flyover. Coincidentally, on my way back to London I could see one of the two A380 already in service flying over the city, a Singapore Airlines A380 on a "real" flight to the Asia. It's a question of time that they become a familiar sight in the London skies.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Molt interessant el bloc! Em passaré per aquí sovint.
Fins aviat!

Miquel ha dit...

Gràcies Dodger, el teu també m'ha agradat molt, ja es veu que està molt treballat. Ara el linkejo!